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Perfect Investment Banking CV and Resume Template
Investment bankers will spend a maximum of 30 seconds to check your resume or CV and within that 30 seconds it’s much easier to stand out in a negative way then a positive way. So, in this article I am going to show you how to make the best resume & CV possible...
33 Investment Banking Technical Interview Questions You NEED to Know
Investment banking technical questions are separated into 7 different categories from; Finance, Accounting, Valuations, Mergers & Acquisition, LBO, Economics and Brain teasers. Almost 70% of first round interview questions are based on technical knowledge....
Top 19 Reasons to go into Investment Banking
You can probably think of 101 reasons to go into investment banking but most of those reasons do not hold up once you’ve made into investment banking and have experience the lifestyle and hours long enough to tell about it. Below is a list of why you really might want...
How to Get Into Investment Banking (WITHOUT EXPERIENCE)
A Step-by-step guide on how to break into investment banking.
Guaranteed Work Experience (New)
How to get guaranteed work experience quickly
7 Investment Banking Requirements
7 Qualities investment banks look for in a prospective candidates